Every conversion initiative differs. However they all share common elements:
Collection and preparation: The documents are gathered and prepared. Staples and paperclips are removed, pages are oriented, small documents are attached to carrier sheets, and damaged documents are repaired. Some circumstances require verifying the completeness of the file or similar business processing. In many cases, barcode identifiers are affixed to documents or inserted via Leading sheets, giving each document a unique identity.
In this phase of data digitization services, the scattered documents are collected from the customer and after removing all the foreign objects like pins, paper clips and threads, the documents are aligned properly
Scanning: In this segment of data digitizing services, aligned documents are scanned and saved as an image files
Documents in good condition are automatically fed into the scanner. Fragile or damaged documents are manually placed on a flatbed for scanning.
Quality control and image processing: The resulting images are compared to the original to ensure they have all been captured, are complete and as legible as possible, and are oriented correctly.
Digital transferring - In this stage of digitizing paper documents the scanned documents or images are converted into files formats according to the clients needs indexed in the same way as the virtual file
Indexing: Depending on the situation, indexes are entered manually or generated from the image and may be supplemented with customer-supplied information. Text conversion: In some cases, an image containing text is scanned to generate the text equivalent, making that content searchable via full-text retrieval engines.
Organizing - In this part, after taking into account the exact requirement of the customer, the documents are organized in separate or combined PDF files
Retrieval : Our Custom Software makes digitized retrieval a piece of cake. With this extension your regular dynamic website will allow you to manage all your documents. It provides a conditional access feature so that you can restrict some or all documents to a particular group of users. Various groups can be created for the purpose. Additional features such as document search, most downloaded, document lister, latest downloads can also be provided in the form of additional modules.